Autumn delivers

We always associate this time of year with the start of the winter storms bringing in strong winds and big swells at a time when the water is still warm. This is my favourite time of year for getting out and about and this year it has delivered plenty of great conditions. Early September had a couple of paragliding opportunities which have been sorely lacking this year. Here are some shots from an evening on the Malverns.

This period of lighter winds saw the return of swells to the UK. This kicked off a few weeks of good surf conditions. A trip to Pembrokeshire and a couple day trips to South Wales all delivered fun waves.

Finally the wind showed up and we got some great kiting conditions. Decent sized swells and strong winds which are essential for wave riding. By this point the temperatures were starting to drop quickly. This is pretty much the end of the spring suit as conditions get more wintery.

Photos above testing the Appletree Applino surfboard and the Ozone Reo V7 Ultra X.

This is one of my favourite times of year.