This book does not really need much introduction. It is the official biography that Steve Jobs commissioned himself. He figured…
Time to hit the road again
With the New Year Celebrations over, it is time to get back to the hustle. It is exciting times, having…
The Rum Diary by Hunter S Thompson
Most people will know the general gist of the story seeing as it has just been on in the cinema…
Xmas 2011 Catch Up
Time flies – it always feels like summer lasts 5 minutes, then autumn seemed to last for ages this year…
DJ Shadow at HMV Forum
Thanks to my buddy Ed’s willingness to donate blood, and Shadow’s good will towards blood donors (he offered free tickets…
Winter kitesurfing in Wales
It has been a long time since I have managed two sessions in two days (months). Saturday I had a…
I wanna ride more waves!
After spending a long time not really knowing where my kiting was going I have found something which really makes…
The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk
Another pretty short but interesting read that appealed to my inner economist. It is easy to relate this kind of…
We are all weird by Seth Godin
This is a pretty short read but pretty interesting all the same. Seth Godin is a famous marketer, blogger, author…
In the Plex by Steven Levy
As mentioned earlier this year I have a Kindle which has reignited a desire to read. Not that I have…
I actually rode a mountainboard
As the title says – I actually rode a mountainboard a fair bit. Normally after a week of being surrounded…
The bread maker
Since my move to the country a month ago I have been working on creating a healthier lifestyle. One element…