This has been on the cards for a while – but it took someone offering free chickens to make it…
Caravan Palace Live in Bath
After finding out Caravan Palace were touring the UK and we had missed most of the dates of they were…
Westward Ho! for the BKSA finals
Pretty good making it back to Westward Ho! again this year. It is such a great kite beach for both…
Back in Berlin
Pretty unusual for me to fly to the same city twice in a year however after visiting good friends in…
National Watersports Festival 2012
I headed down to this event not knowing what to expect. Greg came down to help set up and ride…
Trip to London Town
London is an amazing city. I hate many things about it – paying over £100 for 3 days parking for…
Early Morning SUP
SUP is an odd sport – it is not particularly exciting but it is amazingly good physical exercise and always…
Few days in Devon kitesurfing Westward Ho!
Westward Ho! is pretty much one of my favourite beaches for kite sports. It combines a simple set up (though…
Beach Break Live 2012
If you took a bunch of students with no work experience and got them to organise a music festival for…
UPFEST 2012 – a soggy affair
This would be an epic event on a hot, sunny weekend. Street food, lots of people, sound systems and graf…
Wallop Relocated at EKS
Hardly a Wallop really, but an excuse to catch up with people is always good – especially when it is…
River swimming
Earlier this week it was actually hot – really hot. So hot in fact that after an long day unloading…